The 2012 National Defense Authorization Act — What You Can Do
Dec 20
We need you to call the White House and urge the President to veto the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012. Time is of the essence,
as this bill has already passed the Senate and House and will be sent any day to the President for final approval.
The NDAA threatens all Americans’ civil rights and liberties by giving the government authority to indefinitely detain anyone, including US citizens, simply based on suspicion of engaging in terrorism. Detainees under this provision will NOT be allowed access to a lawyer or a court of law. This violates our constitutional rights, and we need your help in flooding the White House with your complaints.
Call the President now at 202-456-1111 and urge him to veto the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012.
Muslim Advocates, working in coalition with over 40 Muslim, Arab, and South Asian organizaitons and bar associations, called for President Obama to veto the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The bill grossly undermines both our nation’s constitutional values and our security. The coalition letter requests that President Obama stand by his previous commitment to veto the NDAA.
Among the signatories to the letter are: Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services (ACCESS), Islamic Information Center, Islamic Society of North America, Islamic Leadership Council of Metropolitan NY, Islamic Society of Greater Houston, Somali Action Alliance, and South Asian Americans Leading Together. A full list of signatory organizations follows the letter. A special thank you to the Muslim Bar Association of Chicago for their assistance in drafting the letter.
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